Trained in ceramics at the prestigious National Institute of Design, Srila then went on to spend some months in Finnish Lapland as an apprentice at Pentik, tableware makers. It was in London however where she first picked up the art of glass blowing under the tutelage of Anthony Stern and then at the Glasshouse.

Srila’s ultimate goal was to return home and begin her own studio. Idealistic and practical, she returned to India with just a file containing photographs, drawings and explanations of every piece of equipment needed to set up a studio. Using this manual as a reference, Srila sourced all her material and equipment indigenously and eventually began the first studio glass atelier in India in her home town of Calcutta, now known as Kolkata.

Now, over two decades later, she continues to create magic from molten glass, always striving to explore and challenge the possibilities of this exciting medium.

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